Well, there is not too much to show at the moment, but still I want to annouce, that I have another Windows Phone app in development. The logo on the left looks similar to you? OK, then you might already have guessed, what it is: Yes, those are „Pocket PC Geocaching Tools“ for Windows Phone. Well, as the old name doesn’t make too much sense anymore, I decided to rename the software to „geoEarl“. Or maybe I’ll call it PPC-GCT-FWP 😉
The picture you can see on the left is just the splash screen of the app. Some modules are already finished, but the main part is still to come: Open GSAK databases. The main problem here is: How to transfer a database with hundred(s) of megabyte to the phone in a fast and convenient way? Not to talk about hundreds of grabbed images and spoilers. Maybe Windows Phone 8 has some new options to achieve this.
The software is still in early development, so don’t expect anything in the near future. Maybe I’ll publish the app without the GSAK part at the beginning.
Let’s see…..